Wednesday, May 25, 2011

School's Off, Fish On (And A Question for Everyone)

The "Rust Buster," With Legs Attached. This is the Fall Colors Of The Pattern

School's out for Summer! School's out forever! Goodbye to teachers! We all remember that song, and that's all that played on my car ride home today. School is officially over! Time for fishing. But first, I had some questions about how finals went. They went very well. My grades are as follows: English, 98. Spanish, 95. Science, 96. Math, 87. History, 94. Sweet! What this translates into is that I got good grades, and have a Summer ahead with no worries. Out of the 90 days of it, well I plan to spend 80 on the water. I'm sure I'll have some more great stories from that. I'm going to start fishing tomorrow, and I won't be posting anything due to the fact that I'm staying at a friend's house. I will have the story posted on Friday though. The question I have for anyone who's interested today is this: Which one? This refers to the recipe I will be posting in a few days. I am either going to do a demo on the "Alien Shit" or the "Rust Buster." Both are creations of my own, and both work very well. The "Alien Shit" is more of a trout fly, while the "Rust Buster" catches mainly carp. Keep in mind the "Rust Buster" catches some trout as well. So, which one will it be? Whichever wins, I'll post the needed materials a couple of days before I do the recipe. This will be a step by step fly design with photos attached. 

The Alien Shit, Shown In Red


  1. Rust Buster. With....spring/summer colors!

  2. E.m.b.- it's the same technique and materials, just different colors. Spring is olive and black, and the Summer is the one you already saw with grey and brown

  3. I vote that your Wait...What? picture be a permanent picture of your classic WTF look or at least your About Me photo.

  4. it's got it's own catergory now ;)!!!

  5. Whatever Howard says....Goes. :) Like it!

    p.s. I'm working on that canoe fly for the loch ness!

  6. Well, he has taken over our position for graphic designer ;) and how's it look?

  7. I'll vote Rust Buster for what it's worth...although, the alien shit is going to have to make an appearance sometime..
