Monday, May 23, 2011

Fish... Off?

Where The Hell Did My Fish Go?

Well, most of the stories I have posted so far end with a big fish in the net. In an ideal world, that's all fishing would be. Well, it's not that world. This is a tale of the "fish that got away." I was just fishing Boulder Creek, and it was looking pretty good. I had just gotten up to one of my favorite holes for the first time of the day. I put a cast in, let it take a nice drift, and watched as my dry fly went under. Something had taken my nymph. So, I set the hook. Nothing. So I put in my next cast, hoping the fish would come back. The rig drifted, than the water exploded as something ate my dry fly. I set the hook again, and this time it was fish on. I fought the fish for quite a while, because he was in strong water and the fish was pretty big. I called for my friend to bring a net and grab the fish. He came up, and I worked the fish into a nice little pool. My friend hopped in and tried to net the fish, but something happened. I don't know if the hook bent, the fish's mouth gave way, or if it was something else. The line went dead, my friend pulled up the net, but with no fish to be found. I swore under my breath, and because this was during a camp I was teaching, I spent a little time doing a lesson on how to net the fish. We'll get the next one.


  1. Found your site through linkreferral.
    Your post reminds me of the last fishing trip I had and we lost two fish.
    I'm not much in fly fishing, more in spin fishing or fishing with live bait.
    Since you are a fly fisherman, you might like to check out Great blog site about fly fishing and a lot of other good stuff!

  2. LAKF- Thanks, good to know that website is getting me some views. You should give fly fishing a try, I've done both and fly fishing has a lot more interest to me. Yea, I've been checking out Owl's website every few days, it's really great. I found it through Wind Knots and Tangled Lines, written by Cofisher. Thanks again!

  3. Okay buddy, first things first. How did the finals go?
    That's some story. I lost a large fish once while fishing in Wyoming. It jumped out of the net! I jumped in after him and actually caught him by hand.

  4. Yeah'd finals go!? Great story! "The line went dead" ah, a bad thing in oh so many arenas of life...

    And Cofisher -- by hand!? YOU'RE THE MAN! ;)(And you said you'd never noodled!)

  5. I hate that feeling of the "line going dead"...

    I was fishing Cheesman earlier this year, and I had hooked a decent rainbow and got it's head out of the water ready to net the thing when the hook flew out of her mouth...I swore under my breath like you, and thought it was all over. I looked down in the water and the rainbow was sitting at my feet...kinda like a dog waiting for a treat. I didn't know what to do, so I thrust my net into the water in some last ditch effort to land the fish...when I pulled the net out of the water, there she was. Luckiest catch of my life.
